作为博彩网址大全联合健康科学专业的学生, 你将学习联合健康科学的课程和选修课, 生物学, 化学, 运动与运动科学, 和物理.


AHS 1020 / 2学分
The course is an introduction to various aspects of the health care field. Students will explore a variety of health-related disciplines and create an academic plan for their chosen career path. Specific health care pathways available at Carthage will be looked at more thoroughly. The concept of interprofessional practice will be introduced and strategies implemented. Students will have the opportunity to engage in experiential learning activities.


ASH 1300 / 2学分
这门课 will provide an overview of the health care profession of Music Therapy with a focus on the principles, 框架, and applications of therapeutic music across a variety of clinical populations. Basic brain and neurological responses to music as well as the 社会 and psychological influences of music will be explored.


生物工程2010 / 4学分
这门课, 这是两部分中的第一部分, is designed to allow the learner to explore foundational concepts of human anatomy and physiology. The course emphasizes the integration of anatomical structure with physiologic 函数s and processes. 这门课 does not count toward the 生物学 major and is not designed for BIO, NEU, or CHM majors. 这门课 is designed for students in Nursing, Athletic Training, and Pre-Health. 这门课程包括一个实验.


生物2020 / 4学分
这门课, 这是两部分中的第二部分, is designed to allow the learner to explore foundational concepts of human anatomy and physiology, 专注于选定的身体系统. The course emphasizes the integration of anatomical structure with physiologic 函数s and processes. 这门课 does not count toward the 生物学 major and is not designed for BIO, NEU, or CHM majors. 这门课程包括一个实验.


清洁发展机制2100 / 4学分
The primary purpose of this course is to investigate the phenomena of communication, 理论与实践, 因为它发生在卫生保健环境中. 私人和博彩网址大全, 内部和外部的卫生机构, will be examined to explore how those messages affect health care decisions and outcomes. Health communication includes many diverse cultures and communities of practice, 包括医患沟通, 市场营销, 公共卫生运动, 技术在医疗保健中的应用, 以及相关领域内部和之间的交流.


1010人民币/ 4学分
化学的基本原理和概念, 包括原子结构, 化学反应和化学计量学, 气体定律, 热化学, 元素的周期性分类. Lecture, three periods; laboratory, three periods.


1020人民币/ 4学分
化学平衡和离子平衡的研究, 动力学, 电化学, 热力学, 还有酸碱化学. Lecture, three periods; laboratory, three periods.
前提条件:chm1010,至少C-, 部门批准, 或两年高中化学,平均成绩为B. CHM 1020的成绩达到C或更高,可获得CHM 1010的学分


EXS 2330 / 4学分
这门课 presents a practical approach to utilizing statistics in situations encountered in the Health and Human 服务 professions. Fundamental statistical theories and concepts are presented to help students understand the rationale and purpose of using statistical computations. 基本参数统计分析, 以及这些计算背后的数学逻辑, 将呈现. Students will learn how to perform hypothesis testing with normal distributions and also learn to interpret and critically evaluate research outcomes. This knowledge will allow students to be evidence-based practitioners and critical consumers of peer-reviewed research.
Prerequisite: Junior standing and accepted Nursing majors or declared Exercise and Sport Science or Allied Health majors.


EXS 3080 / 4学分
这门课 is designed to provide the students with an introduction to the discipline of exercise and sport physiology, which is concerned with the study of how the body adapts physiologically to the acute stress of exercise or physical activity, 以及体育锻炼的长期压力. Emphasis will be placed on neuromuscular adaptation to strength training and cardiorespiratory adaptations to endurance training. 这门课 will also address the importance of exercise in delaying or preventing metabolic syndrome.
前提条件:BIO 1040或BIO 2010


PHY 2100 / 4学分
This non-calculus-based course provides an introduction to the essentials of mechanics, 热, and sound for students with no prior training in physics or 化学. PHY 2100, in combination with 2110, is the preferred sequence for majors in health and life sciences. 讲座与实验.


1500元/ 4学分
A team-taught introduction to the methods and principles of psychological science. NOTE: 专业 must pass this course with a C- or better to move on in the major courses.

Lifespan Developmental Psychology for the Health Professional (Recommended)

PYC 1850 / 4学分
The course integrates theory and research as they relate to the neurobiological, 认知, 社会, and emotional development of individuals in cultural contexts from conception throughout adulthood. The course emphasizes normal developmental stages and patterns of adjustment to differing lifetime demands. 本课程是为卫生专业的学生设计的. 这门课 may not be applied to the Psychological Science major or minor.


AHS 3080 / 4学分
Structural kinesiology is the study of the muscles as they are involved in movement. 本课程将详细介绍起源, 插入, 函数, and innervation of the major skeletal muscles as they relate to human movement.
前提条件:AHS 1020


AHS 4439 / 2学分
The course provides the student with fundamental knowledge of the concepts of health informatics and how technology can be used in the delivery of health care.


AHS 4469 / 4学分
The course will provide a framework for the health care student to systematically review the best evidence to make informed choices and improve patient outcomes.
前提条件:EXS 2330


AHS 4900 / 4学分
The student is to apply scholarly research methods mastered in Evidenced Base Practice in Healthcare. The student may choose to write a Literature Review on a faculty-approved topic or observe a healthcare professional in the setting of their choice under the joint supervision of a licensed healthcare provider and college faculty. 这两种选择都将以海报展示告终. 春天